FP : Polypropylene Capacitor: 160Vdc - 1500Vdc
Polyester Capacitor: 63Vdc - 630Vdc

Polypropylene and polyester power capacitors with minimal inductance.

Product description

FP : Polypropylene: 160Vdc - 1500Vdc & Polyester: 63Vdc - 630Vdc

FP capacitors are designed to operate at very high Peak and RMS currents. To offer the lowest possible inductance they are supplied un-housed with no conventional terminals and are intended to be clamped between two conductive surfaces, possibly heat sinks. This assembly ensures that heat generated within the device is conducted away with high efficiency, allowing maximum RMS currents whilst maintaining a satisfactory temperature rise. As connection is made directly to the capacitor end spray the design has the lowest possible inductance and is therefore of particular use in resonant circuits such as induction heating inverters.

The capacitors can be designed in a wide variety of configurations to optimise size, ripple current rating and temperature rise, if you have a specific requirement or query then please contact us. Detailed ripple current ratings and temperature rise estimates are available on request.

Please contact us for technical assistance or samples

Technical details

Capacitance range Polypropylene : 10µF - 400µF
Polyester : 5µF - 500µF
See size chart for details
Temperature range -55 to + 85°C
Tolerance ± 10% standard. Others by request Environmental category 55/100/56 to EN60068 - 1 (IEC68-1)
Dissipation factor Polypropylene ≤ 0.001 @ 1KHz & 20 ± 3°C
Polyester ≤ 0.008 @ 1KHz & 20 ± 3°C
Proof voltage test 1.5 x rated voltage for 30s. Not to be repeated
Insulation resistance 104MΩµF @ rated voltage & 20 ± 3°C Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) Measured at 10kHz
Rated voltage Polypropylene : 160V 250V, 400V, 630Vdc
Polyester : 63V, 100V, 160V, 250V, 400V & 630Vdc
RMS current rating Imax - Maximum rms ripple current at 10kHz in 40C ambient, still air for Thotspot=70C.
Achievable Imax is dependant upon several factors, including voltage, current waveform and heat sinking but typically 25 - 100A.

Contact us for detailed application specific advice
Pulse performance See table. Ratings assume linear change to / from rated voltage



Cap Vac
50µF - 160 0.60 51 14 29 54 27
50µF - 160 0.90 39 10 40 45 38
50µF - 160 1.40 31 7.5 53 39 51
100µF - 160 0.60 69 14 29 76 27
100µF - 160 0.60 61 10 40 63 38
100µF - 160 0.80 51 7.5 53 54 51
100µF - 160 1.40 37 5 77 44 75
200µF - 160 0.50 89 10 40 88 38
200µF - 160 0.55 78 7.5 53 75 51
200µF - 160 0.80 59 5 77 62 75
300µF - 160 0.65 88 5 77 75 75
400µF - 160 0.60 100 5 77 86 75
10µF - 250 1.75 24 21 29 37 27
50µF - 250 0.60 74 21 29 79 27
50µF - 250 0.75 61 15 40 65 38
50µF - 250 1.05 50 12 53 56 51
50µF - 250 1.85 38 8.5 77 46 75
100µF - 250 0.70 79 12 53 78 51
100µF - 250 1.05 63 8.5 77 64 75
200µF - 250 0.71 96 8.5 77 89 75
10µF - 400 1.50 31 29 29 47 27
10µF - 400 2.30 25 20 40 39 38
50µF - 400 0.70 77 20 40 84 38
50µF - 400 0.95 65 15 53 72 51
50µF - 400 1.55 50 10 77 59 75
100µF - 400 0.93 80 15 53 83 51
10µF - 630 1.50 31 43 29 57 27
10µF - 630 2.30 25 30 40 48 38
10µF - 630 3.55 20 22 53 41 51
50µF - 630 0.95 65 22 53 89 51
50µF - 630 1.55 50 15 77 72 75


Cap Vac
100µF - 63 2.50 22 3 29 42 27
100µF - 63 2.80 20 2 40 35 38
200µF - 63 1.40 37 3 29 59 27
200µF - 63 1.50 34 2 40 49 38
300µF - 63 1.00 51 3 29 72 27
300µF - 63 1.10 46 2 40 59 38
400µF - 63 0.85 62 3 29 82 27
400µF - 63 0.90 56 2 40 68 38
50µF - 100 4.75 14 4.5 29 36 27
100µF - 100 2.50 25 4.5 29 49 27
100µF - 100 2.75 23 3 40 42 38
100µF - 100 3.20 21 2.5 53 36 51
200µF - 100 1.40 42 4.5 29 68 27
200µF - 100 1.50 39 3 40 57 38
200µF - 100 1.70 36 2.5 53 49 51
300µF - 100 1.05 57 4.5 29 84 27
300µF - 100 1.10 52 3 40 69 38
300µF - 100 1.20 48 2.5 53 60 51
400µF - 100 0.90 63 3 40 82 38
400µF - 100 1.00 59 2.5 53 68 51
50µF - 160 4.65 16 4.5 29 40 27
100µF - 160 2.45 27 4.5 29 56 27
100µF - 160 2.70 25 3 40 46 38
100µF - 160 3.05 24 2.5 53 40 51
200µF - 160 1.40 47 4.5 29 78 27
200µF - 160 1.50 43 3 40 64 38
200µF - 160 1.65 40 2.5 53 55 51
200µF - 160 2.10 36 2 77 46 75
300µF - 160 1.10 57 3 40 64 38
300µF - 160 1.20 54 2.5 53 55 51
300µF - 160 1.50 48 2 77 46 75
400µF - 160 1.00 65 2.5 53 79 51
400µF - 160 1.20 59 2 77 64 75
50µF - 250 4.50 23 7 29 66 27
50µF - 250 4.80 21 5 40 55 38
50µF - 250 5.25 20 4 53 47 51
50µF - 250 6.45 19 3 77 39 75
100µF - 250 2.55 37 5 40 76 38
100µF - 250 2.75 35 4 53 65 51
100µF - 250 3.30 32 3 77 54 75
200µF - 250 1.80 53 3 77 75 75
10µF - 400 21.25 7 10 29 40 27
50µF - 400 4.50 29 10 29 86 27
50µF - 400 4.70 26 7 40 70 38
50µF - 400 5.05 25 5 53 61 51
50µF - 400 5.90 23 3.5 77 50 75
100µF - 400 2.70 43 5 53 84 51
100µF - 400 3.10 39 3.5 77 69 75
10µF - 630 21.00 8 16 29 57 27
10µF - 630 22.00 8 11 40 47 38
10µF - 630 23.50 8 5.5 53 41 51
50µF - 630 4.65 31 11 40 87 38
50µF - 630 4.95 29 5.5 53 71 51


FP : Polypropylene: 160Vdc - 1500Vdc & Polyester: 63Vdc - 630Vdc dimensions

Ordering details

F C T V Code
FPP 200 K 160 51
FPT 10 K 630 27

F - Family: FPP/FPT
C - Cap value n for C<1000nF, u for C≥1µF
T - Tolerance M=±20% K=±10% J=±5% G=±2% F=±1%
V - Rated Voltage dc : 63, 100, 160, 250, 400, 630
Code - 27,38,51,75

Please contact us for technical assistance or samples